Worst TV ads

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  • AlteisenMkII

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    Jul 12, 2022
    San Antonio,TX
    Commercials post covid now suck even more. At least the Filet-o-Fish and the Hormel's Chili commercial were rather amusing and absurdist earworms. There used to be some commercials so bad you would laugh at em but now its either pressuring, depressing or just plain outright annoying. There used to be some heart to commercials which is rare today. Also the Ozempic commercials just make me think of Happy Gilmore.

    single stack

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    Oct 27, 2011
    Recently I’ve see an ad for Insinkerater, the kitchen drain disposal. They actually advocate sending your garbage down the drain even though it’s easier to throw in out.
    They apparently think sending garbage to the water treatment plant is better than the landfill.
    The county where I live sends everything to a Cogen burn plant. I mean everything. No recycling.


    Over the Rainbow bridge...
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    May 14, 2008
    The Woodlands, Tx.
    Recently I’ve see an ad for Insinkerater, the kitchen drain disposal. They actually advocate sending your garbage down the drain even though it’s easier to throw in out.
    They apparently think sending garbage to the water treatment plant is better than the landfill.
    The county where I live sends everything to a Cogen burn plant. I mean everything. No recycling.

    Yeah, go ahead and throw that spaghetti down the sink....


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    Sep 1, 2024
    Piney woods
    The new Dole? Asmr ad for dried pineapple chunks, where they ultra amplify the chewing sounds. Or any coke and where they amplify the gulping, swallowing, and ahhhhhhh sounds..
    I grew up on a hog farm, and worked for years in a slaughter plant. I've stood knee deep in blood and guts, I've eaten dinner with a guy that has an eyeball dangling from his hardhat by the optic nerve. Hell, in the rendering plant on humid nights maggots would rain from the ceiling... But those amplified bodily functions make me GAG every time.
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