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  • benenglish

    Just Another Boomer
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    Nov 22, 2011
    A few years ago (over 15 years now that I think about it) I considered buying an ex-commercial space in Dayton and turning it into a residence. It had a generator, a large V8 diesel engine attached to the biggest generator I've seen outside of some units I saw during a tour of a C5 Galaxy at Kelly AFB when I was a kid. It had its own dedicated room with a giant radiator set in an outside wall with ducting to keep the air moving and the engine cool. IIRC, there was a 200 gallon tank for diesel.

    No need to fear power outages there.

    The place was incredibly cheap but would have required 30+ times the purchase price to get it livable so I passed. There are times I regret that decision.


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    Nov 25, 2016

    We've been on a boil water notice since Beryl. I finally called the water company today and asked how much longer, which she couldn't answer, and that lead to when were the samples dropped at the lab. A transfer to someone who knows but thrives on repetitive redundancy :( and I learned they were dropped today. Mutha panker, that means Monday at best and likely Tuesday or later! :mad:

    I haven't smelled or seen a poor quality indicator throughout so screw that, I'm consuming piped water when I get home. :what:
    Boil notice ended today. :facepalm:
    I've been using the tap water throughout and didn't throw up any more than when I've been pregnant.
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