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  • TipBledsoe

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    Jun 28, 2020
    LaVernia TX
    Having watched and enjoyed the FBI series, started watching FBI International tonight... Does the FBI really operate outside the US borders?


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    Jan 18, 2021
    Umbarger TX
    We Were the Lucky Ones
    View attachment 449490

    It's an eight episode mini series on Hulu. It's so similar to a book I recently finished, "On Sunny Days We Sang." that I first thought it was a TV adaptation of it. But I don't think it is. It's just similar stories about this horrible time in history.
    It starts in 1938 Poland, just before the Nazi invasion. People watched in disbelief as things kept getting worse. The most innocuous and innocent decisions often had life and death consequences.
    The last, and I believe final, episode will be available at 11:00 pm tonight. (5/1/2024) As I watch what is happening on college campuses across the country, the show is eerily timely.
    It's a good, if disturbing, watch.
    Damn good show


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    May 10, 2021
    I am watching the PBS - U of M channel right now in the wee hours - a repeat of the Sunday show called GUILT.

    The third and final season airs on Sundays from April 28 to May 19, 2024.

    I have noticed that many of the PBS shows, British mysteries, etc., now have fewer seasons AND fewer shows PER SEASON lately.

    NOT all of them do this but many of them are starting to do this with and without the SCAMDEMIC - plan-demic FLU bs RESTRICTIONS that stopped many shows from filming.

    Old Lady Cate

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    Aug 1, 2014
    Having watched and enjoyed the FBI series, started watching FBI International tonight... Does the FBI really operate outside the US borders?
    I used to be a fan of the FBI series but the last two seasons have degenerated into typical woke drivel with underlying woke and leftist themes . The strong male members of the cast have been neutered while the female leadership and agents thumb their noses at all the rules.

    FBI International suffers from some of this but at least provides a good story line with interesting plots. I try to look beyond the Hollywood nonsense because there is really not much else to watch on tv

    And yes, most federal LEO departments maintain foreign offices ostensibly to coordinate with Interpol and others but mostly to give them extra reach on perps who flee to other countries as well as to be close to the sources of intel


    Paul Saver

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    Aug 17, 2023
    North Texas


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    May 10, 2021
    Almost ALL of the crime and mystery shows have DECLINED 99% when it comes to their writing. And the writers make most of the MEN, formerly strong, fair and sane policemen, look or act stupid.

    They do that to most males on MANY types of shows and in the movies too.

    Plus they choose to show needless violence and other things that are NOT needed for the CRIME PLOT or script for ANY show.

    I QUIT almost all of them. My husband did too.

    Plus they got really nutso on the GUN, gun and gun - anti gun talk and other BS when it comes to an US versus THEM when they talk about, gasp, guns!

    LOOK! I see a gun! OMG - save us now! Bla and bla. Pure BS talk and brainwashing. They don't call it PROGRAMMING for no reason or TELL A VISION - television.

    ANTI gun talk in THEIR OWN WAY. That goes for the so called NEWS MEDIA too.

    I am going by OTA = over the air shows using a small indoor antenna in my house and not on cable, not on a sat. dish and not through PAID streaming.

    I do watch a bit of OTA shows, some FREE ones on Tubi, YT, etc. online.

    The so called comedy shows are not funny. I or we QUIT them. They have NOT BEEN FUNNY for many, many years.

    The reality and contest shows are just plain STUPID and I can't see how any person would WANT or CHOOSE to watch them at all. We NEVER got into them from the gitgo. And I am talking about now and 20 plus years ago too.

    I do like many of the OLD westerns and a few of the newer westerns.

    I never liked or got into science fiction shows and even THEY have their own agenda. How people can get wrapped up in one or ten shows of some 'famous' science fiction tv show or movie is beyond me.

    But like they say, "To each their own!"

    Reading, swimming, walking, enjoying the outdoors and shooting are much more enjoyable. Etc.

    Old Lady Cate


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    May 10, 2021
    My late husband liked a BIT of the original Star Trek tv show. He saw some of the 'repeats' on the boob tube in the 70's and on. I never cared for the ST show so I left him alone in the den and went into the living room.

    I do not know the actual years when those ORIGINAL ST tv shows were made, only in the 60's or not (?), but it MAY have been when he was in the USN and overseas. I am clueless there!

    So he got to see some of the ST repeats back east in the house that we built.

    He even said that many of those ST tv shows went down the tubes as did MOST of the tv shows.

    My late husband ONLY liked a FEW of the PBS British mystery shows that I liked too. So I watched them in the living room so they did not bother him.

    BOTH of us loved to READ, swim, sail and power boat a lot - much more than watching the boob tube. Etc.!

    BOTH of us LIKED the OLD and ORIGINAL Law and Order tv show with Jerry Orbach and others. I think that show still ran AFTER he died. But some of those shows DID DECLINE in my very BIASED opinion.

    Anyway, my MT husband had not seen many of the ORIGINAL L&O shows and he bought the COMPLETE set of the ORIGINAL Law and Order shows for me @ the former, now CLOSED UP Hastings store in town - marked way down in price. I watched them MANY times, he watched the DISCS ONLY once or twice since his high stress 24/7 job messed up anything that he would watch on live OTA tv. He told me that he did NOT care if I gifted or donated that set because he would NOT watch them all OVER again too. I did get good use out of the gift but after time, I decided to PASS THEM ON.

    I finally GIFTED my entire L&O ORIGINAL SET to an older close friend out here plus we gave him MANY other discs AND to the library too. We always donate books and cheapo films to the library after some time.

    Soon, the way things are going, we will be down to almost ZERO in discs. DVD and Blue/blu ray ones. The machine plays both types.

    We still have the complete set of LONGMIRE for now, some but NOT all of the JOHN WAYNE movies - some were gifted, LONESOME DOVE, etc.

    I may GIFT the PBS SHOW called VICTORIA and it ran for 3 seasons but even that WENT DOWN the tubes in MY opinion. LOL

    They put stuff in the VICTORIA SHOW that was NOT NEEDED just to spice (?!?) stuff up but I think that it was STUPID in the PLOT LINE and not really needed.

    I did SEE the VICTORIA SHOW on PBS when it came on. I got the Victoria set as a gift from my husband and I watched it several times. He only watched VICTORIA when it was on the PBS channel live and he SAID that it went down the tubes too.

    Some of the shows on OTA - ION TV CHANNEL are so so.

    I do NOT follow them religiously and some of them - I just QUIT them TOTALLY due to the VIOLENCE or rape/stab/shooting crapola.

    Plus many of them don't make sense to me since I NEVER SAW THEM from the beginning to understand some of the ongoing PLOTS and ongoing relationships. Like why one LE man had money in his safe in some CHICAGO police show. It was in his basement if I remember the show. So was he a GOOD MAN or bad man?! HIS OWN MONEY or what now?

    A LOT OF THOSE PEOPLE in that show and in others have relationships that you would not see in REAL LIFE and the plots are really confusing unless you know the OLD former story.

    Even my husband said that a LOT of it had to do with shows that he NEVER SAW or the same ones got REPEATED over and over again.

    HE QUIT THEM and so did I but I guess that the original show is still playing on NBC - OTA channel.

    I DO think that the one OLDER actor with the SHORT grey/gray HAIR is handsome in his own way and he ACTS okay in the repeated CHICAGO police show on the ION CHANNEL - free OTA one but if I don't get the ENTIRE PLOT or ongoing story - I just let it GO.

    LOOKS do NOT make the show - handsome man or not. He does act like a MAN though and not some confused HALF MAN - half woman. Some of the shows were okay and they had a SPECIFIC plot - a REAL beginning and END to a story.

    I can't even THINK of his name now. REAL NAME or in the tv show! The man/actor with the SHORT HAIRCUT WITH GREY/GRAY HAIR.

    Old Lady Cate
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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    I really like Workshop Wednesday at the Australian Armor & Artillery Museum on YouTube


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    May 10, 2021
    I am almost through the old and original PERRY MASON tv shows that I watched as a KID.

    Those P. M. discs will be gifted to a friend or donated to the library too. My husband does not want to watch them again.
    Once was ok for him even if he enjoyed them.

    KECI - NBC in Missoula, Montana dropped the ME and MOVIES channels even though a tv listing guide shows them on and off for this college town. They did this a few years ago. OTA reception here.

    They put on some garbage channel - 13.4 (Stupid @@@ film clips made by dumb bunnies who film themselves or other people. UGH!) and a Charge - 13.3 and a Comet - 13.2 with their main LOCAL NBC channel - 13.1.

    The former Missoula MT - ME tv channel showed Perry Mason, Mannix, Cannon and a bunch of OLD shows that I enjoyed watching on and off.

    I finished reading a few other books for a second time and they will get gifted/donated by this weekend too.

    I cleaned up MOST of the den which is my husband's gun room. I have one table by his desk/reloading bench to finish up.

    We cleaned out a bookcase and some other things here in the house and garage.

    He is keeping his LONESOME DOVE disc series for now but the Lonesome Dove paperback book is being given away along with ALASKA by James M. Both of those paperbacks have super SMALL print which we do not care for any longer. And I mean small print - smaller than normal print to me. Those books were read and enjoyed in the past.

    All but the latest 2 copies of BACKWOODSMAN magazine (Winter 2024 and Spring 2024.) got passed on to a close friend.

    BW magazine has changed in some matters since the original owner died and his son took over the magazine. They will be printing less copies per year now too.

    They used to print 6 copies per year even with the son taking over and now I think that they will only print 4 per year as in the seasons.

    Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall? I will have to check that out and my husband mentioned it to me the other day. I have not read those latest 2 magazines yet.

    Some of the OLDER 'Bull' tv shows were okay and then a bunch of them changed.

    That crapola went on with a WHOLE bunch of other shows as I stated above in another post.

    Most of the time, the BOOB tube is turned off and unplugged.

    The PODCASTS found online with YT even though YT censors a LOT and MORE OFTEN, Rumble, Bit Chute, etc. from overseas and stateside are much better to listen to or even 'watch' than the GARBAGE that is found in today's 'entertainment'.

    My husband will watch his OLD 'Jag' - USN Lawyer tv shows on discs again and maybe (?) PASS them on too.

    I think that JAG went downhill too. I missed a BUNCH of Jag shows - seasons but I caught up on them when he got the discs in a complete SET years ago on sale.

    Old Lady Cate
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