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  • Paul Saver

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    Aug 17, 2023
    North Texas


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    Jan 6, 2021
    As I was leaving this morning to go buy groceries I stop at an intersection & I see two dogs playing on a trampoline. Not a soul around just two dogs bouncing around having a good time. It was the bright side of the morning until I paid for my groceries.
    When you saw two dogs playing on a trampoline you're talking about canine?


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    Dec 7, 2017
    Savannah, TX
    Came home yesterday to this.

    Our dogs left the scene of the crime. All you get is the remaining evidence left behind - a dog bed rendered to be no longer a threat.

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    I was worried I'd see something like this after leaving the dogs on "automatic control" while away for two days. Only damage was a shoe taken outside.


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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    Roger Ramjet must run at least a mile every day, or else he becomes unmanageable. We generally do that first thing every morning. Then he crashed for most of the day. Unless we have cattle chores to do. Then he rides in the loader or the Honda buggy..
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    One of my best friends Ralph had 6 of them at one time, and is now on his last one. It’s sad to me and has to be even harder on Ralph. He is 89 lives alone in a cabin that he built, and legally blind.

    His pack were some of the most fierce dogs I’ve ever encountered. The runt sweet pea could often be seen 50 feet up on a tree that was layed over, looking for squirrels. They were hell on moles, and any stray crat that found it way back into the woods. Coons would come up attracted by the dog food, then the fight was on.

    Ralph and his childhood friend Jimmie trapped hogs for extra income. Those dogs would come running at the sound of the hog transport trailer, The loved messing with the hogs.


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    Sep 1, 2024
    Piney woods
    Roger came to us on a COLD day. We lived at least a mile from anyone or anything. It has been icing badly, and it was fit for not man or beast. My front porch motion sensor kept tripping. And I had looked out the window several times when I finally went out took. There was Rog, shivering. We had two black and tan mutts of nearly 100lbs each, and were afraid they'd fight.. so we kept Rog in the garage and started to search for the owner. By Monday morning when no leads had popped up we put him in a cardboard box and pushed it under the desk so he could at least get started acclimating to the other dogs while we were at work. When we got home all 3 were sitting on the couch happy as clams.. They got along pretty well after that. Though Rog always seemed to rule the roost. He outlived those two, and is now our only dog. I'd never had a small dog, and didnt think I'd like it. But he's pretty cool. It was definitely nice to have a small dog on our meandering trip down here. And it's pretty handy living in the RV. He has been loving TX. In IL I used to have to use the loader tractor to push a big runway for him out of the snow.. All in all he's been a great dog. Stubborn, but mostly obedient. Very lovable, and quite a snuggler. But vicious when needed. We have been considering a second..
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