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  • Lead Belly

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    Jun 25, 2022
    Lake Conroe
    Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 01-08-24 Gary Plauché at DuckDuckGo.png

    Lead Belly

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    Jun 25, 2022
    Lake Conroe
    I can't imagine what that poor man is going through. He dedicated his life to enforcing the law, but felt obliged to protect his family. It must have been brutal to hear the whispers in that small town about his daughter. I sure hope he gets a fair shake in court, but not likely. Terrible situation to be in.


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    Sep 1, 2024
    Piney woods
    I've said for years that this sort of thing was bound to start. Alot of people in positions of "power" have been abusing that power, and no one seems to be able to do anything about it. Those that could stop it are either involved in the corruption, or compromised in some way. Eventually, people will have enough and start "solving" problems on their own. I believe that this is also part of the plan. As soon as people fight back they'll be painted as right wing nut jobs, and their actions will be used as an excuse for more laws. It's also what they're hoping for in regards to the illegal immigration problem. They beat off to the thought of some "rednecks" rebelling so they can use that against us too...


    My posts don't count....
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    Jul 1, 2008
    That place east of Waco....
    I've said for years that this sort of thing was bound to start. Alot of people in positions of "power" have been abusing that power, and no one seems to be able to do anything about it. Those that could stop it are either involved in the corruption, or compromised in some way. Eventually, people will have enough and start "solving" problems on their own. I believe that this is also part of the plan. As soon as people fight back they'll be painted as right wing nut jobs, and their actions will be used as an excuse for more laws. It's also what they're hoping for in regards to the illegal immigration problem. They beat off to the thought of some "rednecks" rebelling so they can use that against us too...

    The thing about targeted violence....once one side opens Pandora's box without consequences, all sides start using it. The Left started it......
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