Scope vs. Holographic/RMR for Plinker Rifles

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    Aug 30, 2024
    Interested in anyone's personal experience with a holographic sight/RMR on plinker rifles.

    I use an EO Tech for short range varmint "plinking" and can killing.


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    Jan 17, 2012
    I'm too old to have used one in the military, but I didn't think too much of the EOTech stuff until I got one.
    I never liked the look of all the overhang, but I don't even notice it now.

    The exps3-2 with magnifier is my new favorite for short-medium range shooting. It's clear, fast and easy to see clearly. It also doesn't get as dirty from gasses like the rmr's.

    I've got an MRO on my hbadger and I'm a little less than impressed with all my trijicon's to be honest. I think it's simply the price point. The triji's do perform as you'd expect. I wouldn't recommend the MRO at all though. No shake awake annoys me everytime I go to shoot it. Usually I end up having to swap batteries first since I'm not in the habit of turning them off after shooting.

    I just don't think a triji is worth the extra dough on a red dot type sight that's not really an end o times gun.
    I'm getting old, and honestly can't see a difference between my RMR and my PA visually.

    Battery life is about the only place the trijicon really shines, as most have the shakeawake function these days.
    On a slightly different note
    I just picked up a 5x prismatic scope/ red dot combo from PA. I haven't had a chance to compare it to an ACOG yet. For 1/3 the cost on a plinker gun, I'm betting it'll be a good bang for the buck option too.


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    Apr 23, 2013
    Use a red dot on my BO pistol but not shake awake as it rides on my ATV. Yea, got to push a button but I have to get it out of the rack anyway.


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    Sep 21, 2024
    loaded question, really. The answer is as always, it depends. What are the distances you are plinking at? How much do you care about accuracy? Is weight a consideration? What about your magnification preferences? Caliber?

    So need more info for a recommendation. However, one thing I learned the hard way is with optics (whatever they might be) you get what you pay for and once you try the nicer stuff there is no going back.


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    Jul 31, 2011
    hill co.
    I’ve owned 2 EoTechs. Loved them until both faded to the point they couldn’t be used in direct sunlight. Won’t buy another.
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