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  • demimcbride5

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    Sep 22, 2024
    Corpus Christi, TX
    I am currently building my "SHTF" AR. I now have a SHTF AR that came with an amazing red dot. It's a remake of the movie Blood Diamond. I believe the red dot is an Aimpoint Pro Patrol Rifle OpticBut from what I understand, they have discontinued it. What is something of similar quality red dot you would recommend for a rifle build for "doomsday" lol. Side note: I have astigmatism, so it makes the red dot a bit fuzzy. I'm trying to avoid holographic just because of the price. I do better with green dots. But again, I LOVE the current red dot I have. Looking for similar, maybe in a green dot.

    Thank you!
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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Starting with the least expensive red dot option that's still reputable and reliable, the SIG Romeo5 can still be had for around ~$120-140 and is probably the best quality red dot in that price range. Holosun (HS403) and one or two other brands have similar ones around that price range that are close to or equally as good for the price. They're not Aimpoint T2's, but they're also not $600-800 either. ;)

    If your astigmatism is proving to be a significant issue, you might consider looking at a fixed power prism optic. These usually have an etched reticle which will be crystal clear for you. On the lower to mid price range, here are a few brands worth considering: Primary Arms, Vortex, Swampfox. There are a number of others, including Burris and some other well-known brands but, for a budget prism I'd probably stick to the first 3.

    On the higher end of prisms, of course there's the tried and true Trijicon ACOG series. Models are numerous and confusing to figure out, but they're bomb-proof optics that are more than well-proven. They're typically at least double the price of the other 3 brands above.



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    Mar 16, 2023
    San Antonio
    I'll just drop into a battery store, or order a battery on line, if I need one, during a 'Doomsday' event.

    Does anyone make one with a crank powered generator, like the russian radios ?


    Masta Copypasta
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    Jun 25, 2010
    Cypress, Tejas
    Not exactly a red dot but elcan or acog are awesome optics


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    Feb 19, 2016
    I bought a Holosun AEMS and really like it. Can be bought in green or red. Single dot or with multi reticle, single dot or a eotech style reticle. Square body gives plenty field of view.


    deplorable malcontent scofflaw
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    Nov 11, 2008
    Austin - Rockdale
    I'll just drop into a battery store, or order a battery on line, if I need one, during a 'Doomsday' event.

    Does anyone make one with a crank powered generator, like the russian radios ?
    Battery life in the better red dots are 3-5 years, plus you can recharge a battery.
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