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  • Glenn B

    Retired & Loving It
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    Sep 5, 2019
    Texarkana - Across The Border
    So some folks don't expect or anticipate trouble but I do so and I will continue to do so. It keeps me sharp, aware and ready as far as I am concerned. I for one, do not hesitatingly nor disdainfully take actions such as carrying weapons for self defense. Instead of doing it begrudginly, I do so quite happily and eagerly knowing that I have the right to do so and the liberty to exercise that right as an citizen of the USA. In fact I do like carrying defensive weapons and I enthusiastically exercise that liberty and urge others to do so. It is a great comfort to me that I find myfelf able to legally defend myself with appropriate force. I in fact do so and thus I am going to be able to, at the very least, be able to attempt to defend myself with justifiable and appropriate force should I find myself in a situation that requires and justifies such. Should the fifth situation in my personal life, outside of those in my professional life, arise where I may need to defend myself against the threat of serious bodily injury or death, I will not scorn such by begrudging my right nor liberty to do so. Instead I will readily and vigorously legally defend myself and possibly defend others in such a situation. Doing so begrudgingly, in could tend to make me less likely to do it without hesitation and that could result with me as the loser and my assailant as victorious. I'd much rather be the winner and do not see any reason to scorn carrying defensive weapons nor to be anything but avidly ready to employ them as the situation allows for under the law. The outcome of me being the winner in any such confrontation, with someone who has so threatened me, is my priority
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    TGT Addict
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    Jan 3, 2010
    Occupied Texas
    There are many (not just the Left) that will tell you it's not worth killing someone in order to stop them from stealing your purse or some store's cash drawer.

    The fact is that in order for someone to walk in and point a weapon at people and demand money, that person had to make up his mind that he was willing to kill in order to get that money. Many times they will kill just to eliminate witnesses.

    If they don't kill during this robbery, how many more times will they rob before they do shoot someone?

    If you can stop them, then do so.


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    Sep 21, 2024

    Originally, I was simply asking what kind of gun MountainGirl carried, since they had said "The weight of my carry keeps me reminded to stay aware of what's going on around me. I like that."

    I interpreted that to mean physically carrying a gun. If it was metaphorical, then I missed that.


    Lifetime Member
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    Dec 22, 2022
    Big Thicket

    Originally, I was simply asking what kind of gun MountainGirl carried, since they had said "The weight of my carry keeps me reminded to stay aware of what's going on around me. I like that."

    I interpreted that to mean physically carrying a gun. If it was metaphorical, then I missed that.
    It was meant literally, physically; not that the gun itself was heavy... but say you're holding a box in your hands. Its presence is a reminder to not forget you're holding something. Like that.
    And what's with this "they" pronoun? LOL
    There's only one of me and I'm all woman. :)
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    TSRA/NRA Life Member
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    Mar 28, 2013
    The Trans-Sabine


    Many of us accept responsibility to defend ourselves and selected others.

    Carrying weapons makes us a bit more aware of our surroundings, potential dangers, and of our duty.

    I try to evaluate the threat level of every potential danger; not just crime-wise; but also traffic, fire hazards, children at risk, etc.

    Unless I misunderstood, that is the “weight” of which the Lady spoke.

    Again, welcome to TGT.


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