SPECIAL UPDATE: Please be aware of the following changes to the hours of operation for the range. In the new city budget one of the changes that will affect our operation is beginning October 2nd. Starting on this date the range will be open only four days a week. It will be closed September 30th and October 1. The new days of operation for both the range and the collection center will be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The range will be closed Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday. The holiday schedule will remain the same. This will be the schedule for the near future. We are looking in the near future, probably after the first of the year, to be able to open the range back to a five day schedule, running Tuesday through Saturday. The range is located on city owned property, therefore, their dirt, their rules. The plan will be discussed at our January meeting.
Need to remind everyone that it is a really good idea to wear safety glasses while you are shooting. Just a range habit that needs to be automatic for everyone. Remember, you shoot at your own risk.
Thanks to everyone for helping with our counting of participation and money spent while in the city of Llano. This shows the city how many people utilize the range and in turn how much money is spent with businesses in the city of Llano. Proving the range is a valuable asset to the city economy.
Also, thanks for picking up your brass and putting in the range brass bucket if you are not a reloader. We get lots of compliments on how nice and clean everything is when visitors or new people come to sign up as members.
Reminder the range will be closed September 2nd for Labor Day.
Any questions? Ask them here or email me - rbwm48@sbcglobal.net
Need to remind everyone that it is a really good idea to wear safety glasses while you are shooting. Just a range habit that needs to be automatic for everyone. Remember, you shoot at your own risk.
Thanks to everyone for helping with our counting of participation and money spent while in the city of Llano. This shows the city how many people utilize the range and in turn how much money is spent with businesses in the city of Llano. Proving the range is a valuable asset to the city economy.
Also, thanks for picking up your brass and putting in the range brass bucket if you are not a reloader. We get lots of compliments on how nice and clean everything is when visitors or new people come to sign up as members.
Reminder the range will be closed September 2nd for Labor Day.
Any questions? Ask them here or email me - rbwm48@sbcglobal.net