Left the range - popsgarland

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  • baboon

    TGT Addict
    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    As hard as it is to believe that Pops is gone after we all heard he was getting better, could very well be just Joe not wanting everyone freaking out about. I honestly believe we are born dying. And from Pink Floyd "Shorter of breath one day closer to death". Somethings in life are meant to be kept on the down low.

    Joe was very well liked by those that met, him and those who only read his post. When a member or a members loved ones pass on TGT the out pouring of sympathy is proof of what I have ad for years "Some of the best people you may never met are on here!"


    TGT Addict
    Lifetime Member
    Apr 13, 2018
    Joe was one of my real friends. He was there during and after my divorce and one of a few that kept me on the right path; one of encouragement and true friendship.

    I’ll miss him. I’ll do what I can to take what I learned from him and apply those teachings. Miss and love him.

    Updates on any funeral arrangements please let me know.


    Retiretgtshit stirrer
    Dec 15, 2019
    Lost in East Texas Elhart Texas
    iwas hit really hard hearing he had oassed away becuase i tooo thought he was getting better and going home ina few days i will sherish each time i was able to spend time with pops he made my life better for knowing him pops was the first to know baback in 2022when i had the stroke and he drove three hours to spend the day eith me cheering me up h also called me every day to keep me encouraged when i was fisharged from the hospital damit i'm going to miss him i loved thatold guy just asif he werer family RIP PEACE JOE YOU ERE LOVED AND WILL BE MISSD!
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