Hitch-Mounted Hoist For Game. Who uses one?

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  • Double Naught Spy

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    Mar 4, 2008
    North Texas
    My arm is currently in bandages from another wrist surgery. The bandages will be off soon, but I will be on light duty for quite a while with that arm, maybe permanently. Apparently, I am going to need some sort of game hoist for my truck, maybe some sort of trailer hitch non-permanent addition.

    Do any of y'all use a hitch mounted game hoist of some sort and do you like it?

    I was thinking of something like this as it is lightweight, but only goes to 300 lbs (not that I shoot hogs over 300 lbs very often, LOL). Thoughts?


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    Sep 10, 2012
    Uncle had two. Built stout enough to handle Elk. One used a come a long, one used an ATV electric winch.


    TGT Addict
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    May 6, 2008
    Out here by the lake!
    While on hunting safari all of the trucks have front winches, in the beds they all had a seats. Part of the seat fabrication was a padded front rest like a roll bar. In the middle of the roll bar was a received that they could drop in that had a pulley.

    When something big was killed they would drop the tail gate. The winch cable was let out then brought back ward, and into the pulley then out the back of the bed.

    They had the thick mats that came from conveyor belts. The animal was rolled onto the mat and then secured by lacing it on. Then the mat was connected to the winch and pulled into the bed of the truck. Most of the hunting trucks were Toyota HiLux’s. The hunt seat took up about a third of the bed, leaving 2/3 for the dead animal .
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