I always just figured that unreadable banners just don't need to be read.
But I guess I haven't seen the ones you are talking about.
Here's one of them.
This reminds me of a Cummins service certification that I had to do. The test was done on computer and part of the test was to locate positions of specific components on a picture of a red Cummins ISX engine. The company computer I was taking the test on was an old piece of crap Windows machine with a low resolution graphics card making it impossible to make out any detail....makes it almost impossible to read the text. Web designer, please make the text white so I can read it.
Hello and welcomeLol funny
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Yeah, sucks being able to read what's on your tiny screen...I hate change and this ruined the week for me.
Yeah, sucks being able to read what's on your tiny screen...
Just awful.