ATF Zero Tolerance

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  • CavCop

    CAVCOP on Rumble
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    Oct 2, 2016
    Central TX
    Seems targeting FFL’s is the Biden Admin’s way.

    Had some guy’s I know talking about several FFL’s in and around Austin being targeted last year (Dec).


    Lead Belly

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    Jun 25, 2022
    Lake Conroe
    Peppridge Farms remembers when that AFT employee stole several thousand guns (machine guns, too!) and parts and sold them on ebay...was that before the Zero Tolerance Policy? lol. Sure are tight on our restrictions while being lax on their own internal rules. Slap on wrist ensued.

    Yates, age 52, of Martinsburg, West Virginia, pled guilty to one count of “Possession of Stolen Firearm” and one count of “Theft of Government Property” in April 2019. Yates was a contract employee at the ATF’s National Disposal Branch in Martinsburg, West Virginia. From 2016 to early 2019, Yates stole thousands of firearms, firearms parts, and ammunition. Yates sold much of the property to others across the country. The crimes caused ATF to issue more than 1200 referrals across all 25 ATF field divisions in 49 of the 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. To date, ATF has recovered 4,625 pieces of the stolen firearms and parts, including 4,000 firearms parts, 3,000 of which of were slides, and at least 15 rifles, 80 handguns, including ATF duty weapons, 10 to 15 AR-style lower receivers, and four machine guns.



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    Aug 24, 2011
    DFW area
    Peppridge Farms remembers when that AFT employee stole several thousand guns (machine guns, too!) and parts and sold them on ebay...was that before the Zero Tolerance Policy? lol. Sure are tight on our restrictions while being lax on their own internal rules. Slap on wrist ensued.

    Yates, age 52, of Martinsburg, West Virginia, pled guilty to one count of “Possession of Stolen Firearm” and one count of “Theft of Government Property” in April 2019. Yates was a contract employee at the ATF’s National Disposal Branch in Martinsburg, West Virginia. From 2016 to early 2019, Yates stole thousands of firearms, firearms parts, and ammunition. Yates sold much of the property to others across the country. The crimes caused ATF to issue more than 1200 referrals across all 25 ATF field divisions in 49 of the 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. To date, ATF has recovered 4,625 pieces of the stolen firearms and parts, including 4,000 firearms parts, 3,000 of which of were slides, and at least 15 rifles, 80 handguns, including ATF duty weapons, 10 to 15 AR-style lower receivers, and four machine guns.

    Yeats should have of got a BOS.


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    Feb 9, 2019
    Peppridge Farms remembers when that AFT employee stole several thousand guns (machine guns, too!) and parts and sold them on ebay...was that before the Zero Tolerance Policy? lol. Sure are tight on our restrictions while being lax on their own internal rules. Slap on wrist ensued.

    Yates, age 52, of Martinsburg, West Virginia, pled guilty to one count of “Possession of Stolen Firearm” and one count of “Theft of Government Property” in April 2019. Yates was a contract employee at the ATF’s National Disposal Branch in Martinsburg, West Virginia. From 2016 to early 2019, Yates stole thousands of firearms, firearms parts, and ammunition. Yates sold much of the property to others across the country. The crimes caused ATF to issue more than 1200 referrals across all 25 ATF field divisions in 49 of the 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. To date, ATF has recovered 4,625 pieces of the stolen firearms and parts, including 4,000 firearms parts, 3,000 of which of were slides, and at least 15 rifles, 80 handguns, including ATF duty weapons, 10 to 15 AR-style lower receivers, and four machine guns.

    Another good reason to get rid of this unconstitutional agency.


    Older than I was yesterday!
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    Dec 10, 2010
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    Dec 7, 2017
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