Anything to see or do between Temple, TX and Las Cruces?

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  • pronstar

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    Jul 2, 2017
    We’re taking another road trip to CA so my mom can meet Rowdy, our youngest.

    I’m hoping to never have to do that drive again…but there’s no way we can fly with my boys at this time, so it is what it is.

    At any rate…I’m going to pickup a buddy’s boat in Temple on the way out, and drag it with us to CA.

    I’m planning on an overnight in Las Cruces, it’s about halfway.

    Is there anything we can check out between Temple and Las Cruces?

    Would be nice to have a few stops along the way.

    General Zod

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    Sep 29, 2012
    Kaufman County
    Sunset over the desert is worth seeing, and if it's a clear night you'll never have seen so many stars in your life as you will in the desert of West Texas. Alamagordo and Las Cruces have some interesting history and museums you can check out if you're so inclined. Ft Bliss probably does, too.

    Also, take cash and save it for an emergency. There are little towns out there where if you break down or need gas, there are no ATM's, they don't take out of town checks, and nobody has a credit card reader. Discovering this late at night led to my buddy Nathan uttering the immortal words: "Here, chew this gum - we've gotta fix the van!"

    And the discovery that gasoline dissolves chewing gum.


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    Dec 16, 2011
    Depends on the route you take. If going down 10 all the way, once you get past Ft. Stockton it will mostly be tumble weed counting. Lots to see in southern NM though not on 10. Carlsbad Caverns which is the best Cavern I've visited. Roswell (self explanatory). Alamogordo has a NASA museum and there is Whitesands as well. Pistachio farms everywhere. Most of these things are not going to be baby friendly. My favorite part of NM though is that the gas stations sell liquor and fireworks year round. Also hatch green chili burritos. Be prepared for a shit break or two if you indulge on those.


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    Nov 22, 2017
    San Antonio
    On the other side of El Paso is Cattleman's restaurant. Best steak I've ever had. They filmed a few movies there as well. I think you can take a tour.



    Over the Rainbow bridge...
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    May 14, 2008
    The Woodlands, Tx.
    I checked the distance to the restaurant.
    Check out the speed at the construction area.



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    Sep 10, 2012
    Make sure to bring plenty of liquids to stay hydrated if you hit White Sands. It is amazing how fast you can die there if you aren’t prepared. Also sun screen. That white sand really reflects the Sun.


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    Aug 9, 2013
    south of killeen
    When you leave Temple, go west thru the Hill Country. It really is faster and way better scenery.
    When are you going?
    Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk


    Crotchety, Snarky, Truthful. You'll get over it.
    Emeritus - "Texas Proud"
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    Jul 23, 2011
    Little Elm
    Don't forget Roswell. With kids I always broke that trip up into 3 days and that's AZ to DFW. I'd do Cali in 4. It's tough with little ones locked up in car seats.

    You're going the southern route, kinda. I hate I10 I always go anyway but I 10. But I40 takes you thru Albuquerque which is a do not stop city. Real shithole especially if you have family in tow. I stop at the Dennys this side and fill up so I don't stop again till AZ.

    If you get in trouble in AZ give Me a holler. I still got family there and I try to get you some help.

    I love road trips generally. I always think of I10 as real Mad Max road worrior type driving. Lol



    Fux with the best, Die like the rest
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    Oct 17, 2012
    Temple TX
    I second the trailer and tire maintenance. It's usually over looked and has been parked all winter. The desert heat and long high speed stretches are brutal on trailer tires. With the amount of fuel used to tow a boat, would it not be cheaper/safer to rent a boat locally?

    Every Day Man

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